Interactive performance installation

The Lost Art of Letter Writing

A collaborative writing game in which letters are addressed, written, sealed and delivered – but never by the same person.

To: A curious person

Everyone knows real mail is the best! We've broken down the letter writing process to get to the heart of this lost art, as part of an interactive installation. Take part in an anonymous, collaborative process of addressing, writing, and sending – then come and see if there’s something for you ready to collect!

Love notes and travel stories, heartbreak and haiku - signed, sealed, delivered by you! The Lost Art of Letter Writing gives you the opportunity to send and receive letters with strangers.

The installation includes everything you need - from ink to inspiration. Nothing is more exciting than receiving mail; we hope your letter finds you.‍

Love from,

Binge Culture x

Conceived and devised by Joel Baxendale, Freya Daly Sadgrove, Ralph Upton and Lucas Neal.

Sound design by Oliver Devlin

Designed by Lucas Neal

Developed from the the original interactive performance work Posties (created by Rachel Baker, Joel Baxendale and Ralph Upton)‍

Ashburton Museum, Nov 2023

Christchurch: WORD Festival, Sep 2023

Wellington: Performance Arcade, Feb 2023

This installation builds upon an earlier performance piece called Posties, which focussed on delivering mail written by the public, which was presented at Litcrawl Wellington in 2014 and 2018 as well as at several private events.

Development of The Lost Art of Letter Writing, which took place over 2022/23, expanded the letter writing experience to make the letter writing process more exciting and give the public enough parameters to encourage their own creativity.

Duration: all day

Audience suitability: all

Venue: min 4m x 4m exhibition space

Touring party: 1-2

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