Oh hi! What do you want to know about Binge Culture?

In a nutshell

Binge Culture is a contemporary performance company, established in 2008 based in Wellington Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa.  We experiment with performance and ways to embrace the audience, how to invite them into the present space and unedited moment and make them agents within the experience.  Our aim is for our work to help people navigate the complexity and absurdity of the world we live in.

Who we are

Current company

Joel Baxendale
(Creative Director)
Oliver Devlin
Freya Daly Sadgrove
Ralph Upton
Karin McCracken


Eleanor Strathern
Cupboard of Pandas (advisory board)
Founding members

Our practice

We work across mediums that variously combine live performance, audio, film, games and mobile apps.

We look for the untapped performative qualities in the everyday and push them beyond their logical conclusion.

We make work that is responsive to physical space, whether traditional stage or otherwise, as if it were site-specific.

We acknowledge and include the audience in the action, seeking to give them stakes, even agency, in our performances.

We use technology to overcome barriers that constrain live performance and use performance to reimagine the use of technology.

We play in a space between reality and fiction, and perform versions of ourselves with both self-deprecation and sincerity, in order to critique culture and behaviour.

We make use of games and rules to orchestrate risk and surprise. We are fascinated by the performative potential of recontextualisation and juxtaposition to create the unexpected.

Our process is collaborative and iterative. We develop work by doing, reflecting, and doing again differently, in the spirit of openness and generosity.
