Video walk

Hidden Tracks

A view of Wellington City from Kāpiti Island
A ‘follow-film’ combining city-stroll with bush-walk. This visually surprising and aurally lush solo experience blurs what was, what is, and what could be.

This is a half-hour video-walk/follow-film that begins at the Wellington Opera House and leads the audience on an exploration of nature in urban environments, past and future.

To create it, we first travelled to Kāpiti Island and collected masses of audio and video recordings.Back in town, the sound and footage from the island was 'superimposed' on various locations within Pōneke, to create juxtapositions that highlighted the ever-changing role of nature in the city.

The narrative was built around perspectives gained through multiple interviews, which we returned to Kāpiti Island to gather, along with more recordings that allowed us to make aural and visual parallels with the pathway in the city.

We based the final route on pathways of the original waterways of Te Whanganui-a-Tara (the pre-1840 shoreline and the now buried Waimapihi Stream).

Created by Joel Baxendale and Oliver Devlin

Featuring Manaaki Barrett, Anna Gilbert and Lee Barry

Created as part of the Wild Creations programme with support from Creative New Zealand and the Department of Conservation


  1. A spare 30 minutes free
  2. Smartphone and earbuds or headphones
  3. 142 Mb of Data
  4. To go to the Opera House on Manners St in Wellington
  5. Press play on the video below

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